MS Powerpoint full notes
MS PowerPoint is a presentation program.
Inserting a new slide
1. Select the slide that you want to insert.
2. Click on the home tab.
3. Click the new slide button. You see a drop down list of slide layouts.
4. Select the slide layout.
Creating a duplicate side
1. Select the slide. You want to duplicate.
2. Click on the home tab.
3. Click the new slide button. Open the drop down list.
4. Click the duplicate selected slide option.
Selecting a different layout for a slide
1. Click on the home tab.
2. Click the layout button and choose a layout on the drop down list.
Changing views
1. Click the view button - Normal, slide sorter, slide show.
2. On the status bar to change views.
Moving sides
Click the slide you selected and drag them to a new location.
Selecting a theme
1. Click on the design tab.
2. Open the themes gallery and move the pointer over different themes to "live preview" them.
3. Click a theme to selected.
Choosing a new set of colors
1. Click on the design tab.
2. Then click on the colors button.
3. Slide the pointer over the different colors sets on the drop down list and see what effect they have on your slides.
Change theme effect
1. Click on the design tab.
2. Click the font button and choose a font combination on the drop down list.
Filling a text box with a color style
1. Click on the format tab.
2. Choose a style on the shape style gallery.
Rotating a text box
Drag the rotation handle, the green circle above the text box.
Speaker notes
The speaker notes are speaking that consist of an image of each slide together with any notes that you need for that slide the notes are visual to the ordinance.
Media clips
The media clips include sound animation and video clips you may want to insert into your presentation.
Organization chart
You can use or chart in a presentation to visually display the structure of a company organization or even a concept design.
Web pages
Presentation slide are perfect for generating web page you can save your presentation as an html document ready for use on the world wide web (www) hyper text markup language.
Changing slide layout
You can change the layout of any slide by using the following step.
1. Select the slide which layout you want to change.
2. On the home panel click on the layout button to display the list of layout.
3. Select any layout from the list.
Hiding a slide
1. Select the slide which you want to hide.
2. Open the slide show panel and click on hide/show button.
Slide transition
1. Select the slide on which you want to apply transition.
2. Click on a animation panel and select any transition effect from the transition list.
3. Set the transition speed slow, medium and fast.
4. Select the transition event on mouse click automatically.
5. Set the time in second if you have choose automatically.
6. If you want to apply these effect on all slide click at apply to all button.
Custom animation
1. Select the object you want to animation.
2. On the animation panel click on custom animation button.
3. This will display the custom animation window click on add new effect button to display the effect category.
4. Select any effect from the category of the effect.
5. Set the speed of animation from the speed list box.
6. Select animation event on mouse click after previous or with previous.
7. Click on the test button (play) to see the effect.
Inserting animation picture
1. Select the slide.
2. On the insert panel click movie drop down arrow button.
3. Select movie from clip organization options.
4. Select a picture and drag it on to your slide.
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