रविवार, 10 मई 2020

windows operating system

Windows operating system

Windows operating system


In the current generation when a user switch on the a computer system then the first program which is loaded in the computer's memory is known as operating system. 

The name of the operating system is windows operating system.

This is called the master program of your computer system because it works as manager in your computer system, it manage all the important function of your computer system such as file management, memory management and drive management.

Today many different version of windows operation system have been developed such as windows 95, windows 98, windows 2000, windows xp, windows vista, windows 2008, windows 7 and windows 10.

Features of windows

Windows operating system is a malty user, malty tasking and malty programming operating system. It is called malty user because many user can work at a time on this operating system. It is called malty tasking because a user can do many work at the same.

This operating system provide a GUI (Graphical user Interface).

Main element of windows operating system

                   » Desktop
                   » Icon 
                   » Taskbar
                   » Start button


When a user switches on is operating system then after loading windows operating system.
The first screen which is display on the monitor screen is known as desktop.
The picture or image sow on the desktop is called the wallpaper or background of desktop.


Icon is the shortcut to open any program file or folder to open double click on the  icon will open.


Taskbar is the appear at the bottom of screen. Taskbar has to contain left side start button and 
right side time.
Every open programs display on the taskbar.



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Shailesh Kumar 
        M.Sc, B.Ed