Memory of computer
Memory of computer |
It is most important unit of computer which store data for future.
Memory are classified in two parts.
1. Primary Memory
2. Secondary Memory
1. Primary Memory
Primary memory is computer memory that a processor or computer access first or directly. It allows a processor to access running execution application and services that are temporarily stored in a specific memory location.
Primary memory is also known as primary storage or main memory.
Primary memory classified in two part.
1. RAM - Random Access Memory
2. ROM- Read Only Memory
RAM - It is main part of memory which is temporary memory. This is volatile. This memory consists of some integrated chip and the motherboard.
Ram is classified in two part.
1. D-RAM- Dynamic RAM
2. S-RAM - Static RAM
It means read only memory in which data store permanently.
ROM is divided into three parts.
1. PROM- Programmable Read Only Memory
2. EPROM- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
3. EEPROM- Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
2. Secondary Memory
In secondary memory we can store the data according to requirement and save the long time as requirement. This is external memory.
Ex- Hard disk, Floppy disk drive, Pen drive, CD, DVD etc.
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