शनिवार, 6 मार्च 2021

Microsoft Excel / Excel / MS Office

 Microsoft Excel 
siddhant educational

Microsoft Excel / Excel / MS Office 


Excel is a window based is a product  sheet which is a product of corporation. It is used to track and analyzes numeric data record and calculated data and presents it in extracting manners.

Work book 

A file in excel it is known as work book. This meeting large amount of data a work is a collection of work sheet running from 1 to 225.

Deleting a cell 

To delete cell from the work sheet follow these step.

  • Select the cell you want to delete.
  • Right click on the selected cell and choose delete option. 
  • Select either shift cell up or shift cells and click in ok button.
Inserting cell

  • Select the cell where new cell are required right click on the selected cell and choose insert option.
  • Select either shift cell down or shift cell right click ok.

Function is a especial formula that perform calculation and specific task in a particular order or structure on the value supply it. These values are known as arguments.


Argument are value supplied to function to work upon these values can be numbers text data values logical cell reference constant value and any function are formula.

                       =sum(A1:A5, A7)
sum- function name 
(A1:A5, A7) - Arguments 

Function categories 
  • Mathematical function, Statistical function, Financial function 
  • Logical function, Data and Time function 

Statistical function

Excel supports the following use full statistical function.

1. Average function 

It is use to return the average of given range of cells. 
Ex - =average(A1:D1)

2. Max function 

 Return the largest no within the range.
Ex- =max (A2:D2)

3. Min function 

Return the smalls no within the range. 
Ex - =min (A2:D2)

4. Count function 

Counts the no or argument within the range. It does not count non numeric and blank cells.

5. Count if function 

Count the specific value within the range. 

Logical function 

1. AND 

Return the true if all the argument are true.
Ex - = and(C2>16, D2>16, E2>16)

2. OR 

Return true if any argument is true.
Ex- = or(C2>16, D2>16, E2>16)

3. Not 

Return true if it argument are flase.
Ex - = not(G2<=60)

4. If 

 If text condition and return.
Ex - = if (G2>60,"good","poor")

Financial function

Excel support the three important financial functions.

1. Future value (FV)

It is use to calculate the future value of given series of amount, rate of interest at the number of terms. 

2. Present value (PV) 

This function is use to calculation  the payment mode for a lone. It requires loan amount interest rate and term. 

3. Payment (PMT) 

This  function is use to calculate the payment mode for a lone. It requires loan amount interest rate and term.

Date and time function 


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